This page contains links to web resources that you may find useful. Please inform us if any of these links has been discontinued or is no longer valid. Income Tax Sites
Check IRS Refund Status Track your tax return through the IRS website. Check California Refund Status Track your refund through the California FTB website. Internal Revenue Service Home of the IRS on the Web. The IRS has definitely done a nice job on their Website. California Franchise Tax Board Home of the California Franchise Tax Board. Online Tax Payments
Electronic Federal Tax Payment System Use EFTPS to make your personal and business tax payments online. California Franchise Tax Board Use Web Pay to make your personal income tax payments online. Official Payments Corporation Pay your taxes online with a credit card. Governmental - Federal
Social Security Administration The Official Website of the U.S. Social Security Administration. Medicare The official US Government site with Medicare. U.S. Small Business Administration Small business programs and services to help you start, grow, and succeed. Governmental - State
California Board of Accountancy Regulates and licenses California CPAs. California Employment Development State disability and employment information. California Secretary of State California's executive office. California State Controller California's financial office. California State Board of Equalization Sales tax information. San Diego County Property Assessor Property tax information in San Diego county.